Applying for a code compliance certificate

You must apply for a code compliance certificate when your building work has finished. It proves the work complies with the Building Code and your building consent.

Why you need a code compliance certificate

A code compliance certificate (also known as a CCC) is the evidence that building work meets the Building Code and matches the building consent. 

You may need a CCC when you're:

  • selling your home
  • applying for loans or other financing
  • applying for insurance.

When to apply

We follow the application process outlined in Section 92 of the Building Act 2004.

Apply for your CCC:

  • after all building work under the building consent is completed
  • after all inspections have been done.

We recommend finishing your building work and applying for your CCC within 24 months of your building consent being granted. If you apply for your CCC before building work is finished or with incomplete information, you'll need to re-apply and pay for the processors’ time. 

If you need more time to finish your building work, you may apply for an extension of time.

How to apply

1. Collect your documents and certificates

As part of your application, you'll need to include copies of all the documents and certificates you've collected from your contractors.

You'll also need to provide evidence of ownership that's less than 3 months old. This could be a record of title, lease, or sale and purchase agreement.

Documents and certificates to collect

2. Complete and submit the form

You can use the online form on our Simpli portal.

Apply online

Or download the print form: Application for Code of Compliance Certificate (Form 6) (1.27MB PDF) and submit by email or post, or in person.

You don't need to pay a fee when you apply for your CCC – the fee is included in what you pay with your building consent application.

Building consent fees

3. Book your final inspection

We recommend booking your final inspection as soon as all work is finished. The inspections required are listed on your building consent document.

Hourly rates are set to allow the Council to recover reasonable costs incurred through inspections. This is done on a yearly basis and is based on the current operating environment. Inspections are then charged at this rate on the time they occur.

To book, phone the Building Inspections team on 04 801 3813.

Building inspections

4. The building work is assessed

Once your complete application has been received, the statutory clock of 20 working days for processing begins. The statutory clock may be stopped if a request for information (RFI) is made. The statutory clock does not restart until all of the information requested in an RFI has been received. We will make a decision on whether to issue or refuse your Code Compliance Certificate (CCC) within 20 working days.

Your application will take longer if:

  • you haven't supplied all the required documents
  • we need more information
  • there are extra fees you need to pay.

6. The CCC is issued

We'll issue your CCC as long as we're satisfied that:

  • the building work complies with the building consent
  • any specified systems being altered or added are capable of performing to the performance standards set out in the building consent.

The CCC will be recorded in land information memoranda (LIMs) and property reports for your property.

Contact us

The Building Compliance and Consents team is available Monday to Friday, 8am to 4pm.

If you have a Building Compliance and Consent related query, you can submit it through our online form:

Send a query

Phone: 04 801 4311
