You don't need to pay a fee when you apply for your CCC – the fee is included in what you pay with your building consent application.
Building consent fees
3. Book your final inspection
We recommend booking your final inspection as soon as all work is finished. The inspections required are listed on your building consent document.
Hourly rates are set to allow the Council to recover reasonable costs incurred through inspections. This is done on a yearly basis and is based on the current operating environment. Inspections are then charged at this rate on the time they occur.
To book, phone the Building Inspections team on 04 801 3813.
Building inspections
4. The building work is assessed
Once your complete application has been received, the statutory clock of 20 working days for processing begins. The statutory clock may be stopped if a request for information (RFI) is made. The statutory clock does not restart until all of the information requested in an RFI has been received. We will make a decision on whether to issue or refuse your Code Compliance Certificate (CCC) within 20 working days.
Your application will take longer if:
- you haven't supplied all the required documents
- we need more information
- there are extra fees you need to pay.