To get a copy of your building's current compliance schedule, use our compliance schedule search tool:
Find a compliance schedule
Inspecting and maintaining specified systems
Inspecting and maintaining specified systems must be done by an independent qualified person (IQP).
Find an IQP
Annual building warrant of fitness (BWoF) checks
Every year you must supply building warrant of fitness (BWoF) documents that show you're meeting the requirements of your compliance schedule.
Building warrants of fitness (BWoFs)
Making changes to a specified system
If you make any changes to a specified system, you must update your compliance schedule.
Note: Make sure your building's tenants are aware of the requirements of your compliance schedule – for example, which walls are fire separations and must not be altered, and which paths are fire escapes and cannot be blocked. A building consent is required for any alterations or tenancy fit-outs that will affect the building's specified systems.
What it costs
Alterations and amendments to existing compliance schedule (linked to building consent) charged per hour
Minor compliance schedule amendments:
- change of owner/agent
- minor changes requested by owner/agent.
Minimum charge based on 15 minutes processing.
Additional processing time per hour
Form 11: Application for amendment to compliance schedule (73KB PDF)