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Explore the effects of climate change on Wellington, what we're doing to make our city net zero by 2050, and what you can do to take climate action.
Our challenge: Protect and enhance the realms of the Land and the Waters, and they will sustain and strengthen the People. People of Wellington, together we decide our way forward.
Find out about how we are integrating te ao Māori and the views of mana whenua into our climate action.
Learn about our climate change action plan, Te Atakura - First to Zero, the key actions areas, and how we measure the city's emissions.
What is climate change and what does it mean for Wellington? Learn about how sea level rise is affecting our coasts, adaptation, and coping with climate anxiety.
We all play a part in making Wellington a net zero carbon capital by reducing emissions. We’ve highlighted some actions you can start taking right now to make a difference.