Altering a heritage building

If your building is heritage-listed (including buildings in a heritage area) you may need a resource consent to carry out building work.

If your building is on the Heritage List

If a building or area in Wellington City has been identified as having particular historic, cultural, architectural or other significant value, it may be included on the Heritage List in the District Plan.

To protect these values, there are rules around how heritage sites can be developed and subdivided.

Find out if these rules apply to your property

Check the Heritage List in the District Plan online (ePlan) for buildings that are individually heritage-listed or in a heritage area in Wellington City:

Schedule 1 – Ngā Whare Aronehe | Heritage Buildings

Schedule 2 – Ngā Hanganga Aronehe | Heritage Structures

Schedule 3 – Ngā Wāhi Aronehe | Heritage Areas

Schedule 4 – Ngā Wāhi Mātai Whaipara Tāngata | Scheduled Archaeological Sites

Schedule 6 – Te Hōtaka o Ngā Rākau Rangatira | Notable Trees

Schedule 7 – Ngā Wāhi Tapu o te Māori | Sites and Areas of Significance to Māori

Carrying out building work on a heritage site

If your site is on the Heritage List, you may need a resource consent to carry out the following types of works:

  • modifications, additions and alterations
  • demolition and relocation
  • construction of new buildings on the site
  • subdivision
  • earthworks
  • putting up signage.

You may also need a resource consent to do work that will affect a listed tree or site of significance to Māori.

Heritage and notable trees

Engaging with mana whenua

When you don't need a resource consent

You don't need a resource consent to carry out work that fits the definition of "repair and maintenance" and meets the requirements of permitted activities outlined in the District Plan heritage chapter.

This includes:

  • repair with like-for-like materials
  • repair that recreates the original appearance
  • interior alterations (as long as the interior of the building is not specifically listed, and the alterations are not structural strengthening or new floor levels that are visible from the outside of the building).

Applying for a resource consent

Getting a resource consent to make changes to heritage buildings can be complex – we strongly recommend you meet with us to discuss your plans before you apply. We'll give you advice about the process and help you determine which supporting documents your application will need to include.

Getting help with a building project

Resource consents


If you need a resource consent for heritage matters

You may be eligible for a reimbursement of your resource consent fees if:

  • your application requires a resource consent because of a heritage listing
  • the Council supports the proposed works.

We may also consider other relevant heritage conservation matters when deciding if your application meets our criteria for a reimbursement.

Fee reimbursements for heritage items

Contact us

The Resource Consents team is available Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm.

Phone: 04 801 3590
