Find out if you need a resource consent

You need a resource consent to subdivide your property, or for any building work that doesn’t comply with the District Plan.

Resource Consent Check unavailable

Due to the release of the Proposed District Plan, our online Resource Consent Check service is unavailable while we work on creating a new tool for the updated plan.

How it works

A resource consent is a written decision from the Council about a building project that may affect the environment or your community – for example, building a deck close to a property's boundary. The rules for this are set out in our District Plan.

If you need a resource consent, you must get it before you start work.

When you need a resource consent

You need to apply for a resource consent if:

The District Plan outlines what's permitted and what requires a resource consent for each zone of Wellington City. It sets rules for things like parking, access, or how high or close to the neighbour's boundary a building can be, depending on where it is.

You may also need a resource consent if you're planning:

Search the District Plan

Use the ePlan to find out how the District Plan applies to your property.

ePlan – our District Plan online

Getting help

Applying for a resource consent can be a very complex process. Before you start, we highly recommend you seek help from a planning consultant, surveyor or architect.

A professional may also be able to help you design your project so it complies with the District Plan and does not require a resource consent.

Using an agent to prepare your application

You can also meet with us to discuss your proposal or ideas before you prepare and submit a resource consent application.

Resource consent pre-application meetings

Other things you may need to consider

Boundary activities

Instead of a resource consent, you may be able to apply for a deemed permitted boundary activity if:

  • you're building or extending your home
  • you only require a resource consent because your project infringes one or more 'boundary rules' in the District Plan – for example, the height of the building in relation to the boundary, and no other District Plan rules are infringed
  • none of the infringed boundaries are public boundaries – for example, a park or a road, and
  • the affected neighbours have given their written approval.

Boundary activities

Certificate of compliance

A certificate of compliance (also known as a CoC) shows that a project is a permitted activity in a particular area and doesn't need a resource consent.

A certificate of compliance can be helpful for insurance purposes, or to give certainty to prospective buyers.

Applying for a certificate of compliance

Projects on designated land

If you're a requiring authority planning a project on designated land, you don't need to apply for resource consent if a project infringes on the rules in the District Plan. Instead, you need to submit an outline plan.

Designated land for public works and network utilities

Contact us

The Resource Consents team is available Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm.

Phone: 04 801 3590
