Supporting documents for a resource consent application

Find out about the documents you need to include with a resource consent application.

If you're applying using the paper resource consent form, you must supply two copies of all the required documents with your application. For online applications, all documents must be in PDF format.

Documents required for all resource consents

All applications for a resource consent need to include:

  • a description of the activity proposed
  • a description of the site where the activity will occur
  • the full name and address of each owner or occupier of the site
  • a description of any other activities that are part of the proposal
  • a description of any other resource consents related to the application
  • an assessment of the activity against Part 2 of the Resource Management Act (RMA)

Applications must also include an assessment of the activity against any relevant provisions (including requirements, policies, objectives and rules) of a document referred to in section 104(1) (b) of the RMA being:

Assessment of environmental effects (AEE)

All resource consent applications must include an assessment of environmental effects (AEE). This is an assessment of any actual and potential effects that your proposed activity will have on the environment. It should also include how you plan to mitigate any adverse effects.

Record of title

You need to include a record of title (previously called a certificate of title) that's less than 3 months old with your application.

Colour aerial photograph

You must provide a recent 1:200-1:500 aerial photograph of the area.


All plans need to be drawn in an appropriate stated metric scale (1:100 or 1:200) and show enough detail that we can determine the effects of your proposed activity.

Extra documents that may be required

If you're not sure which documents are required for your specific consent, talk to your planning consultant or agent, or meet with us before you apply.

Resource consent pre-application meetings

List of affected parties

If you think your neighbours will be affected by your proposal, you should try to provide their written approval with your application. Your proposal may be processed quicker if you obtain their approval before submitting your application.

Getting written approval from affected neighbours

Shading assessment

You may be asked for a shading assessment if your project will shade neighbouring properties and those neighbours have not provided their written approval.

Report on earthworks

If your activity will include significant earthworks – for example retaining walls near boundaries, or your site has poor ground conditions (a steep site, previous landfill, clean fill or near a fault line), you will likely be required to provide a geotechnical report. This will need to be prepared or peer reviewed by a geotechnical engineer.

Design statement

If your resource consent application will be assessed against a Design Guide you must provide a design statement – for example, if you're putting up a sign, subdividing property, or proposing a multi-unit residential development.

If your application is subject to heritage provisions

You’ll need to provide:

  • a copy of the original elevations and floor plans of the building (if available) – these may be available from Wellington City archives
  • relevant plans of the existing and proposed works including cross sections
  • a conservation plan – if prepared
  • any consultation outcomes in relation to Sites and Areas Significant to Māori, sites that were inhabited pre-1900 and the New Zealand Historic Places Trust.

Consultation outcome with mana whenua and other Māori

If you have consulted with mana whenua and other Maori, you will need to provide a description of the consultation and its outcome.

Engaging with mana whenua about a resource consent application

Traffic impact report

You may need to provide a traffic report if your proposal will:

  • provide more than 70 car parks
  • result in an increase of traffic – for example, a multi-unit development that has narrow roads.

Noise assessment

If your proposed activity will create a high level of noise or the activity is in a residential area, you may need to provide a noise assessment prepared by a qualified acoustic consultant.

Building code compliance report – if you're subdividing a building

If you're subdividing a building or part of a building, you need to show us that it complies with section 116A of the Building Act 2004 and the Building Code by preparing a compliance report and compliance statement.

This applies to all unit titles, cross leases and company lease subdivisions. If the original building or design didn't allow for individual ownership units, this may mean that you need to upgrade parts of the building to achieve compliance.

Two common subdivisions:

  • A multi-unit residential building on a single title that is subdivided into individual ownership units towards the end of development.
  • An older building on a single title that is subdivided into individual ownership units.

116A Code compliance requirements: subdivision – Building Act 2004


Compliance Statement and Report Template - S116A (25KB DOCX)

The compliance report must clearly document how Building Code compliance is achieved – not just state that it does.

A statement specifying all other resource consents

Provide a statement outlining any other resource consents you're applying for or have been granted that relate to this application – including ones from Greater Wellington Regional Council.

Permitted activities and/or existing use rights

If your proposal relies on permitted activities and/or existing use rights (for example, earthworks which are under the District Plan thresholds, or if there is an existing non-residential use of a building in a residential area) you'll need to provide:

  • sufficiently detailed plans outlining these
  • evidence that the activity was legally established – for example, you obtained a previous resource consent to do the work.

Wind assessment report

If your building, structure or alteration is located in the central area of Wellington and is above 18.6 metres high, or exceeds the maximum height limit in a Centres area, you'll need to provide a wind assessment report from a qualified wind specialist. This is to make sure the building is designed to avoid, remedy or mitigate any wind problems.

Wind tunnel test report

A wind tunnel test report is used to examine the effect of the proposed building upon all areas open to the public – for example, roads, parks, malls and the entranceways and forecourt area of the proposed building/s. It must be supplied to show compliance with the wind standards.

You may only need to provide a wind assessment report if we decide you don't need a wind tunnel test.

Contact us

The Resource Consents team is available Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm.

Phone: 04 801 3590
