Getting written approval from affected neighbours

If your proposed project will have an effect on your neighbours (for example, shading their property or affecting their views), you should discuss your plans with them as early as possible.

Include written approval with your application

When we assess a resource consent application, we consider how the proposed project might affect your neighbours – unless your neighbours provide written approval for your plans.

Talk to your neighbours as early as possible about what you're planning and how it might affect them. If they're not happy with your plans, you may be able to reach a compromise they will agree to approve – for example, by making a deck lower or moving a window to another wall.

Get written approval from affected persons (55KB PDF)

Include the completed form with your resource consent application. Your neighbours will also need to sign:

  • the resource consent application
  • each page of the plans included with the application.

Affected neighbours can withdraw their written consent at any time before the resource consent is granted.

If you're unable to get written approval

If you're unable to include written approval with your application, your neighbours may be identified as an affected party by the Council. You'll then be given the opportunity to seek their approval again.

If you're still unable to gain their written approval, the resource consent may need to be limited notified. This will allow your neighbours to make a submission on your proposal. We'll then take their views into account when we make a decision on your consent.

Notified resource consents

Contact us

The Resource Consents team is available Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm.

Phone: 04 801 3590
