Transport Insights

Our research reports and findings about Wellington city’s transport system.

Transport is crucial to support the functioning of cities and enable individuals to reach places for work, study, and socialising. Transport impacts the environment and public health and is at the core of efforts to mitigate and respond to the climate change and ecological crisis.

An accessible, safe, and sustainable transport system can help make cities more livable and improve the wellbeing of residents. Therefore, understanding the existing transport system is integral to informing future strategic initiatives.

This webpage will be updated with published reports on a regular basis.

Pōneke / Wellington Transport Survey

This survey provides insights into Wellingtonians’ travel patterns and their perceptions of the city’s transport system. The survey captures responses from adults who live in Wellington City.

The findings will enable long-term monitoring of residents’ perceptions, provide data for Wellington City Council’s annual reports, and inform the evaluation of selected transport projects and programmes.

Initial reports are providing valuable insights into residents’ perceptions of road safety, their travel to work and children’s travel to school.

More information

Research and Evaluation Team