Through the 2023-24 Annual Plan process, Welington City Council received several significant funding requests, including for an Ian Galloway Park development plan, and new public toilets at the BMX track.
The Council committed to scoping and early engagement to help shape a plan for the park, while also considering future options for Wilton and Appleton Parks.
Through the 2024-34 Long-term Plan, $1 million from the Charles Plimmer Bequest has been allocated for 2026/27, alongside $250,000 for a new local play space.
New public toilets with an accessible concrete path have been completed, near the BMX area and dog park.
Previously, there was no public toilet or drinking water facility at the southern Ian Galloway Park area. Funding of $320K for this project was approved as part of the 2023/24 Annual Plan.
The toilets are now open to the public from 7am-9pm daily.