South Coast Management Plan

Adopted October 2002.

Protection and enhancement of the coastal edge of Wellington is a major objective of Wellington City Council.

The South Coast is an area with a variety of resources, uses and land tenure. Individuals, groups and organisations value the area for different reasons. Despite these differences, there is wide consensus that the area is of great significance and is in need of effective management - and in some cases protection and restoration.

This Management Plan covers the land under the Council’s jurisdiction (above the line of mean low water springs) from Point Dorset in the east, to Karori Stream in the west. This includes the following:

  • all reserve and non-reserve land to the seaward side of the coastal road (excluding private land)
  • specific reserve and non-reserve land to the landward side of the coastal road that is significant in the context of coastal character (excluding private land)
  • the coastal road and road reserve (excluding the carriageway)
  • Shorland Park, Dorrie Leslie Park, Wahine Memorial Park, Ataturk Historic Reserve, View Road South Headland Reserve and Beacon Hill Reserve x Tapu te Ranga (Island)
  • Owhiro Bay Quarry.

South Coast Management Plan (1.5MB PDF)