Outer Green Belt Management Plan

Adopted August 2019.

This management plan for the Outer Green Belt seeks to understand how people interact with this precious natural taonga.

The Outer Green Belt is the series of reserves that Wellington City Council has acquired along the ridges that separate Wellington’s urban and rural areas, to create a corridor of open space from the city’s northern boundary to the south coast for multiple environmental, recreational and social objectives.

This Outer Green Belt Management Plan has been prepared under the Reserves Act to provide a consistent policy, management and decision-making framework in managing:

  • the reserves in the Wellington Outer Green Belt, as appropriate to the classified type of reserve; and
  • other land in the Outer Green Belt that the Council owns or administers and is not reserve, to integrate with and complement the management of the Outer Green Belt reserves.

Outer Green Belt Management Plan – August 2019 (17.1MB PDF)