Mission and principles
The mission of Te Whai Oranga Pōneke is to create a flourishing network of parks and recreation opportunities, interwoven into everyday life, that supports Wellingtonians to live well and connect to nature and each other. This mission is underpinned by five overarching principles that are the foundations of the strategy; Manaakitanga, Wairuatanga, Whanangatanga, Pārekareka and Tiakitanga.
Focus areas
To meet the mission, the strategy sets out five strategic focuses with approaches for action, directing investment decision and actions in the open space and recreation sectors. The five focuses are:
Integrated: Well-distributed, multifunctional, and connected spaces, places and programmes that respond to Wellington’s current and future needs.
Inclusive: Inclusive, equitable, and accessible spaces, places and programmes that make everyone feel safe and welcome.
Regenerating and resilient: The mana and mauri of our environment will be uplifted and will support the resilience of our city.
Re-indigenising: Te ao Māori, te tiriti o waitangi, and mātauranga Māori are reflected in the decision making, management, activities and the visual presence of our places, spaces, and programmes.
Diverse: Diverse recreation experiences across our places, spaces, and programmes equitably support our communities’ physical, social, and restorative wants and needs