Cycling Policy

Adopted November 2008.

The Cycling Policy (the policy) forms part of the overall transport planning for Wellington set out in the Transport Strategy 2006. It provides more detail on cycling in Wellington and the context set by other policies and strategies. It also creates a framework for the development of infrastructure and measures to improve the safety and convenience of cycling and cycling facilities throughout our city.

In order to create an effective framework to provide a basis for action, the policy sets out objectives and policies on how implementation should be approached. These include emphasising the importance of quality and continuity of cycle routes, including provision of consistent signage and recognising cycling as a means of commuting and as a form of recreation.

The policy also details proposals both in general terms for ongoing support and as location-specific improvements to infrastructure. The focus of the latter is to create a safer and more convenient network in areas where existing provision is disjointed or does not allow access to key destinations. Providing better facilities for cyclists is also a key objective of the policy.

Cycling Policy (418KB PDF)