Our Natural Capital – Wellington's Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan

Adopted June 2015.

Our Natural Capital: Wellington’s Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan is Wellington City Council’s vision for the city’s indigenous biodiversity.

The strategy outlines our vision, goals and objectives, and sets the priorities that give our work direction and purpose, underpinned by a set of guiding principles.

The aim of the strategy is to protect and restore our indigenous biodiversity. In order to protect and restore our indigenous biodiversity we have to connect people with it and carry out research so we can better manage it.

These are the four themes under which our biodiversity management guidelines, goals, objectives and actions are grouped:

  • To achieve our biodiversity goals, we will aim to protect the ecologically significant areas on both private and public land.
  • We will restore these areas, create safe buffer zones around them and connect them together.
  • We will reduce pest numbers throughout Wellington City to a point where our native species can survive and expand.
  • Throughout the urban environment, we will focus on raising awareness of the issues facing indigenous biodiversity and connecting people to their natural environment. We will enable our community to continue restoration work across all of our reserves and we will support them in these efforts

Our Natural Capital – Wellington's Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (7MB PDF)