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Need help?

We're happy to answer your questions about the Proposed District Plan Review.

The best place to explore the Proposed District Plan is in our online plan and interactive map. Here you'll be able to:

  • view and explore the online map
  • read the entire Proposed District Plan
  • search by your address

For an overview of what's in the plan and info sheets, visit our What's in the Proposed District Plan page.


For any matters related to your resource consent application, contact the Planning Helpdesk 

Phone: 04 801 3590

For any matters of 2024 District Plan interpretation, contact the District Plan team 

Mobile: 021 198 7136

Sign up to our mailing list to receive notifications and updates.

If you would like independent support from a qualified planner who has had no involvement in developing the District Plan you can contact Emily Bayliss, the ‘Friend of the Submitter’.

Mobile: 021 803 0080