Hearings topics and schedule

Our hearings schedule shows when each of the topics will be heard.

Hearings stream 1 – Strategic Direction

Start date: 21 February 2023

Hearings stream 1 covers these chapters:

  • Overarching issues including Intensification Streamlined Planning Process (ISPP)/Part One Schedule 1 of the Resource Management Act 1991 (P1Sch1) split
  • Plan structure
  • Strategic direction
  • ISPP vs Pt Section 1 provisions
  • Cross-plan definitions

Hearing stream 1 details

Hearings stream 2 – Residential

Start date: 28 March 2023

Hearings stream 2 covers these chapters:

  • Residential zones - Medium Density Residential (MDRZ), High Density Residential (HDRZ), Character Precincts
  • Residential zones - Large Lot Residential Zone (LLRZ)

Hearing stream 2 details

Hearings stream 3 – Heritage

Start date: 9 May 2023

Hearings stream 3 covers these chapters:

  • Historic heritage (HH)
  • Notable Trees (TREE)
  • Viewshafts (VIEW)
  • Sites and areas of significance to Māori (SASM)
  • Design Guides - Heritage, papakāinga
  • Schedules - 1 to 7

Hearing stream 3 details

Hearings stream 4 – Centres

Start date: 22 June 2023

Hearings stream 4 covers these chapters:

  • Centres - City Centre Zone (CCZ), Neighbourhood Centre Zone (NCZ), Local Centre Zone (LCZ), Metropolitan Centre Zone (MCZ)
  • Centres - Commercial Zone (CZ), Mixed Use Zone (MUZ), General Industrial Zone (GIZ)
  • Development Areas - DEV1, DEV2, DEV3
  • Waterfront Zone (WFZ)
  • Wind (WIND)

Hearing stream 4 details

Hearings stream 5 – General District Wide Matters

Start date: 1 August 2023

Hearings stream 5 covers these chapters:

  • Natural Hazards (NH) and Coastal Hazards (Coastal Hazards are housed in the Coastal Environment (CE) chapter)
  • Earthworks (EW)
  • Subdivision (SUB)
  • Three Waters (THW)
  • Noise - (NOISE)

Hearing stream 5 details

Wrap up hearing – ISPP Provision

Start date: 19 September 2023

Wrap up hearing covers:

  • Plan integration (ISPP)
  • Decisions/Recommendations on ISPP - Commissioners
  • Decisions/Recommendations on ISPP - Paper to committee Committee
  • Interim Decisions on ISPP released
  • Design Guides - Centres and mixed use
  • Design Guides - Heritage
  • Design Guides - Residential
  • Design Guides - Subdivision

Wrap up ISPP Hearing stream details

Hearings stream 6 – Special Purpose Zones and Development Areas

Start date: 20 February 2024

Hearings stream 6 covers these chapters:

  • Airport (AIRPZ)
  • Corrections (CORZ)
  • Future Urban (FUZ)
  • Port (PORTZ)
  • Quarry (QUARZ)
  • Stadium (STADZ)

Hearing stream 6 details

Hearings stream 7 – Rural and Open Space, District Wide Matters, Special Purpose Zones

Start date: 19 March 2024

Hearings stream 7 covers these chapters:

  • Rural Zone (GRZ)
  • Open Space Zones and Special Purpose Wellington Town Belt Zone (OSZ, NOSZ, SARZ and WTBZ)
  • Temporary Activities (TEMP)
  • Signs (SIGN)
  • Light (LIGHT)
  • Hospital (HOSZ)
  • Tertiary (TEDZ)
  • Design Guides - Rural and signs

Hearing stream 7 details

Hearings stream 8 – Natural and Coastal Environment

Start date: 29 April 2024

Hearings stream 8 covers these chapters:

  • Natural Character (NATC)
  • Natural Features and Landscapes (NFL)
  • Public Access (PA)
  • Coastal Environment (minus Coastal Hazards) (CE)
  • Schedules 10-12

Hearing stream 8 details

Hearings stream 9 – Infrastructure and Risks

Start date: 10 June 2024

Hearings stream 9 covers these chapters:

  • Infrastructure - all chapters (INF)
  • Transport (TR)
  • Renewable Energy (REG)
  • Contaminated Land (CL)
  • Hazardous Substances (HS)

Hearing stream 9 details

Hearings stream 10 – Designations

Start date: 15 July 2024

Hearings stream 10 covers these chapters:

  • All designations (DESI)

Hearing stream 10 details

Hearings stream 11 – Ecosystems and Indigenous Biodiversity 

Start date: 9 September 2024

Hearings stream 11 covers these chapters:

  • Ecosystems and Indigenous Biodiversity (ECO)
  • Infrastructure - Ecosystems and Indigenous Biodiversity (INF-ECO)
  • Schedules 8-9

Hearing Stream 11 details

Wrap-up hearing – All provisions

Start date: 7 November 2024

Wrap-up hearing covers:

  • Catch - all hearing
  • Plan integration