Growth and development strategies, plans and policies

We have several strategies, plans and policies in place to guide Wellington City's growth and development.


The Council has several long-term strategies that guide the city's growth and development:

  • Wellington Towards 2040: Smart Capital sets an overarching vision to guide the development of the city over the next 30 years.
  • The Spatial Plan is a growth strategy for our city that sets out a plan of action for where and how we should grow and develop over the next 30 years.
  • The Housing Strategy sets out our approach to addressing the city’s housing challenges and meeting our vision: "All Wellingtonians well housed".

Plans and policies

The Council also has plans and policies that provide an integrated approach towards planning for Wellington's growth needs. These include:

  • Centres Policy – a framework to guide the development and management of the city's network of centres.
  • Centre plans – specific place-based plans developed for the city's key growth areas and major centres including, for example, the central city, Johnsonville, Kilbirnie and Adelaide Road.
  • The District Plan – a regulatory framework for managing land use in Wellington city through the use of zones.
  • The Waterfront Framework guides the development of the city's central waterfront area into a world-class waterfront.
  • The Code of Practice for Land Development provides the minimum standards for infrastructure such as earthworks, roading, water and drainage when developing land.
  • The Long-term Plan sets out what the Council will be doing over the next 10 years to progress the goals set out in our 2040 vision document.