Alcohol Fees Bylaw 2024

Sets the fees for the Council's alcohol licensing framework.

Alcohol Fees Bylaw 2024 (143KB PDF)


1. Title
2. Commencement
3. Application
4. Purpose
5. Interpretation
6. Fees payable
7. Explanatory note
8. Related legislation
9. Schedule 1 – Fees payable prescribed by Council resolution as at 1 October 2024

1. Title

1.1 This bylaw is the Wellington Alcohol Fees Bylaw 2024.

2. Commencement

2.1 This bylaw comes into force on 1 October 2024.

3. Application

3.1 This bylaw applies to the Wellington City District.

4. Purpose

4.1 The purpose of this bylaw is to set Council’s fees for matters which fees payable to territorial authorities are prescribed in the Sale and Supply of Alcohol (Fees) Regulations 2013, and additional fees payable relating to functions exercised by territorial authorities under the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.

5. Interpretation

5.1 Unless the context otherwise requires, words and phrases in the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012 and the Sale and Supply of Alcohol (Fees) Regulations 2013 have the same meaning in this bylaw.

Act means the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.

Council means the Wellington City Council.

Regulations means the Sale and Supply of Alcohol (Fees) Regulations 2013.

5.2 Any explanatory notes and attachments are for information purposes, do not form part of this bylaw, and may be made, amended, and revoked without formality.

5.3 The Legislation Act 2019 applies to this bylaw.

5.4 All fees include GST where applicable.

6. Fees payable

6.1 The fees payable to Council are set out in Schedule 1 of this bylaw.

6.2 Fees will be set by Council resolution to meet a cost-recovery rate of 85%, whereby 85% of the total costs to Council relating to licensing and other matters under the Act are recovered in the fees payable.

6.2.1 Proposed fee changes to Schedule 1 will be publicly consulted as part of annual plan or long-term plan processes before they are resolved.

6.2.2 Fees will be set in proportion to the costs to Council for each category of licence.

6.3 Fees payable for on-licence, off-licence, or club licence premises in this bylaw must follow the fee category framework consistent with clause 7(2) of the Regulations.

6.4 Fees may be set for additional functions exercised by Council under the Act including:

6.4.1 Pre-application meetings between officers and an applicant

6.4.2 Late fee penalties for special licence applications and licence renewals.

Any such fees will be set by Council resolution and are set out in Schedule 1 of this bylaw.

Explanatory note

Application and annual fees for premises must be set within the fee categories provided in clauses 4 to 6 in the Regulations. The new fees set in Schedule 1 of this bylaw will replace the fees payable, under clause 7 of the Regulations.

Fees for manager’s certificates are set in the Regulations and as provided in clause 11(2)(a) must be the same as the fees charged by every other territorial authority.

Pre-application meetings are highly recommended for new applicants but may be waived if they have prior licensing experience. Meetings may be online by request.

Late fee penalties may be waived at officer discretion in extenuating circumstances beyond the applicant’s control, such as family bereavement or emergency events.

Related legislation

Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012
The purpose of this Act is to provide a legal framework for the sale, supply and consumption of alcohol and the associated systems of control and licensing.

Sale and Supply of Alcohol (Fees) Regulations 2013
Provides regulations for the fees that can be charged and how fees are established for alcohol licensing related functions of territorial authorities.

Sale and Supply of Alcohol (Fee-setting Bylaws) Order 2013
Every territorial authority is authorised to prescribe, by bylaw, fees for any matter for which a fee payable to territorial authorities can be prescribed by regulations made under the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.

Schedule 1 – Fees payable prescribed by Council resolution as at 1 October 2024

Application fees for premises

Fees category (based on cost/risk rating in the regulations):

  • Very Low - $486.00
  • Low - $805.00
  • Medium - $1078.00
  • High - $2351.00
  • Very High - $3594.00

Annual fees for premises

Fees category (based on cost/risk rating in the regulations):

  • Very Low - $213.00
  • Low - $516.00
  • Medium - $835.00
  • High - $2366.00
  • Very High - $3898.00

Special licence fees

Special licence class:

  • Class 1 - $759.00
  • Class 2 - $273.00
  • Class 3 - $83.00

Other licence fees

  • Temporary Authority - $392.00
  • Temporary Licence - $392.00

Additional fee components 

Pre-application meeting:

  • $100 per hour (first meeting will not be charged)
  • Charges will take effect from 1 October 2025.

Late application fee penalties for special licence applications and licence renewals:

  • Between 11 to 20 days from the licence start date – 10% of the application fee.
  • Within 10 days of the licence start date – 20% of the application fee.