Hear our stories

Watch our staff videos to find out what it's like to work at the Council.

Mataaho Aronui

Mataaho Aronui is charged with making sure our whole organisation is focused on achieving the strategic outcomes for Māori and partnering with all our Māori organisations to make the magic here (in Pōneke).


Our Parking Services team are ambassadors for the city and help to keep Wellington moving. Find out what it's like being a parking officer.

Tip Shop

The Tip Shop and Recycle Centre is just one of the ways we divert waste from the landfill. Hear from the team about the cool stuff that comes in and how they care about the environment and their customers.

Transport and Infrastructure

Meet the Transport and Infrastructure team and find out what they love about their roles.

Smart Council

James Roberts, Chief Operating Officer, talks about Smart Council. This team is mainly focused on how we use digital technology to make a great experience for customers as they interact with our services.


Our lifeguards help keep people safe and make sure they have an enjoyable experience at our pools. Hear what our lifeguards enjoy about the role.