Building the team through engagement

We're committed to ensuring the Council is a great place to work, and are focused on improving the right things to deliver our goals – both internally and for Wellington City.

In March 2024, Wellington City Council invited staff to participate in an internal annual survey – Kōrero Mai – to gauge our people’s thoughts on leadership, culture, and performance and development. The survey included positively-phrased statements and staff were asked to rate to what extent they agreed with them.

Around 1600 staff completed the survey or 85% of the organisation; our highest response rate yet.

Overall, the results are positive. They show our people love working for Wellington City Council and are generally positive about how we are performing, while also identifying areas for improvement.

What the colours mean:

  • Orange (50-67%) shows areas we need to work on.
  • Yellow (68-83%) is good.
  • Green (84-100%) is excellent.

What we are doing well

Kaimahi still say they think Wellington City Council is a great place to work, and proud to work for an organisation that delivers a wide range of services to the community – from the smallest customer interaction, through to delivering major projects such as Tākina, playgrounds and cycleways.

The results also show that our staff strongly agree that their leaders treat them and act in a way that is consistent with our values.

What we need to focus on

Compared to 2023, staff indicated that teams are working better together across the Council. However, there were still many comments expressing the need for more collaboration, and support around how to make this happen.

How we measure up against local government

Wellington City Council staff results show that in 2024 we scored 9% higher than the local government benchmark of 65%.