Council and committee membership
Council committee structure diagram (82KB PDF)
Te Kaunihera o Pōneke | Council
Chair: Mayor Tory Whanau
Deputy Chair: Deputy Mayor Laurie Foon
Membership: Mayor and all councillors
Te Kaunihera o Pōneke | Council meetings
Kōrau Mātinitini | Social, Cultural and Economic Committee
Chair: Councillor Teri O'Neill
Deputy Chair: Councillor Nureddin Abdurahman
Membership: Mayor, all councillors and two Tākai Here representatives (Pouiwi Liz Kelly and Holden Hohaia)
Kōrau Mātinitini | Social, Cultural and Economic Committee meetings
Pītau Pūmanawa | Grants Subcommittee
Chair: Councillor Nīkau Wi Neera
Deputy Chair: Councillor Nicola Young
Membership: Mayor Tory Whanau, Deputy Mayor Laurie Foon, Councillor Tim Brown, Pouiwi Holden Hohaia, Councillor Teri O'Neill
Pītau Pūmanawa | Grants Subcommittee meetings
Kōrau Tōtōpū | Long-term Plan, Finance, and Performance Committee
Chair: Councillor Rebecca Matthews
Deputy Chair: Councillor John Apanowicz
Membership: Mayor, all councillors and two Tākai Here representatives (Pouiwi Liz Kelly and Holden Hohaia)
Kōrau Tōtōpū | Long-term Plan, Finance, and Performance Committee meetings
Kōrau Tūāpapa | Environment and Infrastructure Committee
Chair: Councillor Tim Brown
Deputy Chair: Councillor Rebecca Matthews
Membership: Mayor, all councillors and two Tākai Here representatives (Pouiwi Liz Kelly and Holden Hohaia)
Kōrau Tūāpapa Environment and Infrastructure Committee meetings
Koata Hātepe | Regulatory Processes Committee
Chair: Councillor Sarah Free
Deputy Chair: Councillor Ben McNulty
Membership: Mayor Tory Whanau, Councillor Nureddin Abdurahman, Councillor Diane Calvert, Councillor Ray Chung, Councillor Geordie Rogers, Pouiwi Liz Kelly
Koata Hātepe | Regulatory Processes Committee meetings
Unaunahi Mahirahira | Audit and Risk Committee
Chair: Bruce Robertson (external appointee)
Deputy Chair: Councillor Tony Randle
Membership: Mayor Tory Whanau, Councillor John Apanowicz, Councillor Ray Chung, Councillor Iona Pannett, Pouiwi Liz Kelly
Unaunahi Mahirahira | Audit and Risk Committee meetings
Unaunahi Ngaio | Chief Executive Performance Review Committee
Chair: Mayor Tory Whanau
Deputy Chair: Deputy Mayor Laurie Foon
Membership: Councillor Rebecca Matthews, Councillor Teri O'Neill, Councillor Tim Brown
Unaunahi Ngaio | Chief Executive Performance Review Committee meetings
Mākara/Ōhāriu Community Board
Chair: Mark Reed
Deputy Chair: Darren Hoskins
Membership: Christine Grace, Chris Renner, Wayne Rudd, Hamish Todd
Mākara/Ōhāriu Community Board meetings
Tawa Community Board
Chair: Jill Day
Deputy Chair: Liz Langham
Membership: Councillor Ben McNulty, Councillor Tony Randle, Rachel Allan, Tim Davin, Jesse Elias, Miriam Moore
Tawa Community Board meetings
Tawa Community Board Grants Committee
Chair: vacant
Membership: Rachel Allan, Miriam Moore, Jill Day, Tim Davin
Tawa Community Board Grants Committee meetings