Recycling for schools and not-for-profits

For schools, early childhood centres and not-for-profit organisations, we provide kerbside recycling collections where possible, or a grant is available if commercial providers are needed.

Apply for kerbside recycling or a grant

There are two options available for recycling at schools, early childhood centres and not-for-profit organisations.

  • Kerbside recycling collections: If your organisation produces small amounts of recycling, and is on one of our domestic collection routes, this may be the best option.
  • Grant funding: For larger volumes of recyclables, a grant is available for your organisation to use a commercial provider.

Kerbside recycling collections

Criteria for kerbside recycling:

  • recycling fits in one wheelie bin (or two recycling bags) and one green crate – collected on alternate weeks
  • the school, early childhood centre or not-for-profit organisation is outside of the central city and we are already collecting recycling from homes in the street
  • putting recycling on the kerbside doesn't create a hazard for those using the footpath
  • collection times for that street are outside the times children at the centre are dropped off or picked up (for schools or early childhood centres).

Recycling grant

If your organisation does not meet the above criteria you can apply for a grant of up to $1,000 annually.

This should cover the full cost of recycling paper, typically 80% of a school waste stream, and other recyclables (glass, plastic and tins).

For larger schools and not-for-profits organisations, with higher costs, please contact us to discuss your requirements prior to putting in an application.

For more information, email

Apply for kerbside collections or recycling grant