Redwood Bush

A 2.5 kilometres walk, taking about 1 hour to complete.

Playground area in a park.

Explore old growth tawa and podocarp forest on this interesting trail. You can go there and back, or do a loop back through suburban Tawa.


Start near the play area on Brasenose Place, Tawa, and walk through the towering native forest. For a bit extra, you can head up to the ridge above Brasenose Place for great views over northern Wellington.

When you get to Peterhouse Street, cross the road and check out the special matai trees in Larsen Crescent Reserve. There is a short track through the reserve that leads to Larsen Crescent or loops back to Peterhouse Street. It's quicker to return from Larsen Crescent to Brasenose Place via Oriel Avenue.

Redwood Bush Loop details and map - Friends of Tawa Bush Reserves


Dogs must be on leads outside dog exercise areas. Please remember to clean up after your dog and dispose of the waste appropriately.