Rates types

Wellington City Council sets two types of rates – general rates and targeted rates.

General rates

General rates are paid by all ratepayers.

The general rate funds all services provided by the Council that are not funded through a targeted rate.

These services include:

  • parks and recreation
  • libraries
  • pools
  • emergency management
  • community services
  • cultural facilities
  • roads and footpaths
  • street cleaning

Targeted rates

Targeted rates are paid by a specific group of ratepayers who receive a specific service - for example:

  • water for properties connected to supply
  • downtown targeted rate for commercial properties in the downtown area

The targeted rates are:

Targeted Rate Activity
Water Water collection/treatment facilities, water distribution network and water conservation
Sewerage Sewerage collection / disposal and treatment facilities
Stormwater network Stormwater collection / disposal network
Commercial sector Activities that benefit the commercial sector
Base sector Activities that benefit the base (residential) sector
Downtown Marketing and events, retail and tourism activities
Tawa driveways Maintenance of a specified group of residential driveways in Tawa
Marsden Village Collected on behalf of the Marsden Village Association on all commercial properties in the Marsden Village for maintenance of the area
Tawa BID Collected on behalf of the Tawa Business Group from all commercial properties in the Tawa Bid area to fund the Business Improvement District activities
Khandallah BID Collected on behalf of the Khandallah Village Business Association from all commercial properties in the Khandallah BID area to fund the Business Improvement District activities
Kilbirnie BID Collected on behalf of the Kilbirnie Business Network from all commercial properties in the Kilbirnie BID area to fund the Business Improvement District activities
Miramar BID Collected on behalf of Enterprise Miramar Peninsula Incorporated from all commercial properties in the Miramar BID area to fund the Business Improvement District activities
Sludge levy Construction costs associated with the Moa Point sludge minimisation facility (Te Whare Wai Para Nuku)

Marketing and events, retail and tourism activities