Report graffiti vandalism

We remove graffiti from Council property and eligible private property. Find out how to report it.

What we remove

Our contractors remove graffiti from:

  • Wellington City Council property
  • eligible private property.

Eligible private property

We can remove graffiti from private property if it:

  • is on a permanent building, wall, or fence owned by a local resident or small business
  • is street-facing
  • is not above verandah level
  • is accessible from public property (i.e. removal does not require crossing private property boundaries)
  • can be removed without causing damage.

Please note we do not report instances of graffiti vandalism to Police on behalf of private property owners. This needs to be done by the property owner, even if it's eligible for removal by us.

How to report graffiti vandalism

Information to provide when reporting graffiti vandalism

When reporting graffiti vandalism, please provide:

  • your name and contact details
  • the exact location
  • a photo – this helps us identify the tag, its location, and who is responsible for removing it.

If you cannot provide a photo, please include:

  • a description of the graffiti
  • what surface it's on (for example, wooden door, concrete wall)
  • what it has been done with (for example, spray paint, market pen, scratched).

Offensive graffiti vandalism

Providing a photograph helps us confirm that the graffiti is offensive so it can be removed more quickly.

Offensive graffiti vandalism includes:

  • racism, sexism, homophobia or other hate speech
  • discriminatory imagery or symbols such as swastikas
  • explicit pictures such as those of genitalia
  • any obscenities or swear words. 

Contact us

Phone: 04 499 4444