Documents required for an encroachment application

Supporting documents and plans you need to include with an encroachment licence application.

Your proposal must meet the setback and height clearance guidelines and our road and encroachment policy.

To make sure your plans meet the requirements, please check:

Site plan

Plans together with front and side elevations must include:

  • property boundaries and dimensions of proposed structures
  • location of existing and proposed structures
  • public footpaths, kerbs, fences, handrails, retaining walls, safety fences
  • power poles, streetlights, utility boxes and any other services
  • dimensions of setbacks from the kerb edge 
  • any affected vegetation and mitigation planting
  • affected accessways both public and private
  • gradients and the finished ground levels if these will be altered.

See an example of an encroachment plan (141KB PDF)

Comments from service authorities

You'll need to request comments from local service authorities (for example, gas and water suppliers).

The service authorities will let you know whether or not there are any issues with your proposal.

Service authority contact list

Water drainage and water supply

Wellington Water
Samir Hermiz, 04 912 4400,

Street lights

Wellington City Council
John Kandralides,

Electricity supply

Wellington Electricity
Paul Stent, 04 915 6100,

Gas supply

Powerco Ltd
Lee Hickmott, 0508 427 482,

Nova Gas Ltd
Craig Muirhead, 04 232 3795 or 027 2711 739,


Network Protection, 0800 822 003,

Comments from neighbours

You'll need to seek the views of the property owners next to the proposed encroachment site. Normally this is limited to your neighbours on either side of the site – we'll let you know if you need to consult more widely.

You can ask your neighbours to fill in the neighbour comments form, or to email you.

If you haven't received a response from your neighbours within a reasonable time, let us know and we'll try to contact them on your behalf.

Neighbour comments form (37KB PDF)

Written consent from neighbours 

If your proposal uses part of your neighbour’s road frontage, you may require their consent.

We'll advise you if you need to get written consent once we receive your completed application.

Contact us

The Encroachments team is available Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm.

Encroachments team
Phone: 04 801 4266