Change or cancel consent conditions or a consent notice

Find out how to apply to make changes to your resource consent or consent notice.

How it works

If you want to change or cancel any conditions of your consent (under section 127 of the Resource Management Act), you will need to let us know. This could include changes like landscaping or the extent of earthworks required.

  • If we are still processing your application, contact the planner who is processing your application, or email your proposed changes to
  • If your resource consent has already been granted, you'll need to submit an application and pay a fee.

Note: If your application was publicly notified, contact a planning officer on 04 801 3590 to discuss the requirements for written approval.

How to apply

1. Know what to provide

Along with your completed application form, you must include:

  • plans that clearly show the difference between what was originally approved and what is now proposed
  • an assessment of environmental effects (AEE) relating to the change
  • written approval of anyone considered affected by the change.

2. Submit your application and pay the fee

Apply online

Alternatively, you can download the form:

Application for Change or Cancellation of Condition(s) of Resource Consent form (520KB PDF)

There is an initial fee of $1750 to change or cancel one or more conditions. You may get a refund or an invoice depending on how long it takes us to process your application.

3. We assess your application

If your application is approved, we will issue you with an updated consent. All other details, including the date the consent will lapse, stay the same.

If we consider the activity or effects of the change or cancellation to be materially different, you may need to submit a new resource consent application. If you think this may be the case, we recommend booking a pre-application meeting.

Resource consent pre-application meetings

Contact us

The Resource Consents team is available Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm.

Phone: 04 801 3590
