Make sure building inspections are carried out
As the building owner, you're responsible for ensuring all the inspections that are listed on your building consent approval letter are undertaken.
Building inspections
Collect documents from your tradespeople
You'll need to collect certain documents from your tradespeople for your code compliance certificate application.
Documents and certificates to collect
If your building plans change
If you want to change your plans after your building consent has been approved, you need to let us know. You may also need to amend your building consent.
Making a change to your building consent
If you no longer wish to do the work
If you have not yet started any building work and you do not intend to proceed with the work, you'll need to let us know. We will then lapse your consent on the 12-month anniversary of building consent issue date.
Once lapsed, you will need to apply for and obtain a new Building Consent before any work can be carried out.
Email to request your consent to be lapsed. A lapsing fee may apply, and any unused fees will be refunded.