If the land is subject to natural hazards
We can’t grant a building consent for new buildings or major alterations on land with natural hazards if doing the work would make the situation worse.
Building consents for land subject to natural hazards
If you're altering an existing building
If you're applying for a building consent to alter an existing building:
- the entire building will be assessed against the current Building Code requirements for escape from fire and, if required, access for people with disabilities
- the rest of the building must not be made less compliant with the Building Code because of the work.
We recommend providing a cost-benefit analysis or report from a suitably qualified person to demonstrate this.
Altering an existing building
If your building project is complex
If your building project is large-scale or complex (for example, if you're building more than three residential units, carrying out weathertightness remediation, applying for a staged consent, or it's a large commercial project), your project may need a quality assurance (QA) plan.
Quality assurance plans for complex building projects
If you're creating or changing a driveway or kerb
If you're creating a new driveway or doing work that will affect the existing driveway or kerb, you'll need vehicle access permission.
Create or change a driveway or kerb
If the work will encroach on the legal road
Wellington’s topography means you may sometimes need to use the road for your car deck or garage, or structures such as steps, fences or walls.
Use road reserve for private purposes
If you're building in a residential area
There are certain rules around when construction noise is allowed to take place in residential areas, including the Central Area zone of the city.
You'll need to:
- check the hours and days noisy construction work can take place
- consult with any neighbours who might be affected by the noise.
Apply for a construction noise exemption