New community recreation leases and licence

Status Closed
Start date 9 August 2024
Closed date 12 September 2024

Proposed new licence on Wellington Town Belt land

1. New licence to Island Bay and Berhampore Community Orchard Trust.
Location: Martin Luckie Park, adjacent to 599 Adelaide Road, Berhampore.

  • Leased area: approximately 4,130m² of reserve land, legally described as Lot 1 on Deposited Plan 10181, held in Computer Freehold Register WN19B/861
  • Licence fee: annual rent fee of $1 + GST per annum
  • Licence term: five years, with one renewal term of five years

Proposed new sublease on reserve land

2. A new premises and ground lease to Oriental-Rongotai Football Club Incorporated.
Location: Polo Ground, Miramar.

  • Leased area: approximately 1048m² of reserve land, legally described as Lot 2 on Deposited Plan 4550 contained on certificate of title WN394/28
  • Licence fee: annual rent fee of $1509 + GST per annum
  • Licence term: five years, with one renewal term of five years

3. Sublease between Johnsonville Rugby Football Club Incorporated and FortySouth Group LP.
Purpose: establish mobile network site.

  • Subleased area: Helston Park, Johnsonville, Lot 1 Deposited Plan 49298, contained in Identifier WN19D/1441
  • Sublease term: twenty years

For more information about the proposed licence and sublease, please refer to the Thursday 8 August 2024 Koata Hātepe | Regulatory Processes Committee report (38.9MB PDF).

How to make submission

If you have any objections or would like to make a submission, you can send us your comments.

  • By email to:
  • By letter to:
    Community Recreation Leases Advisor
    Parks, Sport and Recreation
    Wellington City Council
    PO Box 2199
    Wellington 6140
  • In person to:
    Wellington City Council
    Level 16, reception
    113 The Terrace, Wellington

All submissions must be received by 5pm on Thursday, 12 September 2024.

If you have any questions about the submissions or lease process, please contact a Community Recreation Advisor – email