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Petition - View Signatures


Karori Cemetery as a "Wuff Wuff Ruff" Monday-Friday 7.30-11.30am

This petition requests that responsible dog owners are able to use the Karori Cemetery as an official dog exercise area during specific times. I propose that these times would be Monday-Friday 7.30am-11.30am. When there are burials taking place then this would overide the "Woof Woof Ruff"status of the area. Outside of these times dogs must be on leads.

Submitted by Sarah Fox
Opened 2 November 2007
Closed 2 February 2008


Total: 106

Name Suburb City
Chris Lamers Wadestown Wellington
Chris Auld Karori Wellington
Deb Auld Karori Wellington
Nicole Taylor Lyall Bay Wellington
Anne Somerville Northland Wellington
gillian mclean kelburn wellington
Sher Gibbons Khandallah Wellington
Wendy McNeice Wilton Wellington
sue McNeice Wilton wellington 6012
Rosalene Fogel Karori Wellington
Mary Laking Brooklyn Wellington
David Gray Karori wellington
Norbert Heuser Karori Wellington
Alice Dawson Karori Wellington
catherine dunning karori wellington
Jennifer Wilbanks Hataitai Wellington
Louise Dunning Karori Wellington
Brian Falck Karori Wellington
Sarah Munro Karori Wellington
Charlotte Kieft Karori Wellington