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Petition - View Signatures


Close the bus lanes in Manners Street and reinstate pedestrian status in Manners Mall.

This petition is designed for Wellingtonians who say "Enough is enough".

Submitted by Maria van der Meel
Opened 30 July 2012
Closed 30 January 2013


Total: 86

Name Suburb City
Charlotte Stephens Karori Wellington
chris renwick Te Aro Poneke
Melissa Moon Kelburn WELLINGTON
Nigel Hefford Kilbirnie Wellington
Paul Moss Karori Wellington
Cameron Dick Eastbourne Lower Hutt
Charlotte Manderson Belmont Hill Lower Hutt
Floyd Morgan Oriental Bay Wellington
Linda Robinson Newlands Wellington
wayne janse te aro wgton
Jo. Horton Southgate Wellington
Sara Wisse Brooklyn Wellington
Johan Wisse Brooklyn Wellington
Andreas Lepper Wellington Wellington
Laureen Zandi Island Bay wellington
Karin Lepper-Scherer Kelburn Wellington
Douglas Dawson Maoribank Upper Hutt
Fritz Schone Island Bay Wellington
Alastair Foster Southgate Wellington
alex wong Karori wellington