Community Gardens Open Sundays

If you’ve ever wondered what happens at a community garden and how you can get involved, Open Sundays are your chance to find out more.

View of community garden at Miramar Prison Garden.
Open Sunday at Miramar Prison Garden.

Community gardens are the hidden gems of our city.

From lush pocket gardens to rambling urban oasis, you’ll find them tucked away behind bowling clubs on Mount Victoria and nestled between houses in the Brooklyn Hills.

They’re as varied as the people who tend them but are all great places to learn about growing local kai, to connect with others, or take some time out.

Each Sunday in April 2024, community gardens in a different area of the city hosted visitors. This was a chance for curious Wellingtonians to discover what thrives in Wellington’s unique climate, take part in a workshop, explore somewhere new, get their hands in the soil, and find out how to join a garden. Many visitors came to the gardens by bike, thanks to Pedal Ready. 

Visit this page in early 2025 to find out when next year's Open Sundays are happening.

Contact us

Connected Communities


Phone: 04 499 4444