Ngā kaupapa tuari waka
Car share schemes

Car sharing reduces congestion and fits with our aims to become a Smart Capital and eco-city. We provide dedicated on-street car parks and other benefits for car share vehicles.

How car sharing works

People join a car share scheme to use a car share vehicle. The cars are either owned or leased by the car share provider, or by members of the car share scheme, who book them online or by phone and pay by the hour.

There are many benefits of car share schemes, for the members, for the city, and for our planet:

  • Members save money by not owning a car and not having to pay for maintenance, warrants, registration, and parking.
  • The use of car shares helps to reduce congestion, especially at peak times.
  • Share vehicles make it easy and fast to get around. Some car shares have dedicated car parks.
  • Cars are newer models and often low-emission vehicles with some companies offering electric vehicles or offsetting their emissions.
  • Car share schemes also reduce wear and tear on roading and infrastructure.

Car sharing in Wellington

There are two car share operators in Wellington:

  • Cityhop is a station based provider where the vehicle is rented from and returned to the same location.
  • Mevo vehicles are rented from a 'home zone' and returned to anywhere within that zone. For example, it could be rented from the city centre but dropped off at a home zone in Miramar. 

Parking for car share vehicles

There currently are more than 30 dedicated parks for car share vehicles.

Did you know? A 2020 survey of Wellington car share members showed that 25% of users have sold, or are planning to sell at least one vehicle as a result of joining a car share scheme. Almost 40% said they use private motor vehicles less since joining.

Why we support car share schemes

A high-quality diverse transport system is key to Wellington’s economic, environmental and social success. It will also enable us to meet the growth and climate change goals outlined in the city's Draft District Plan and Te Atakura: First to Zero blueprint.

Many privately-owned cars sit idle about 95 percent of the time and evidence from Wellington suggests that each car share vehicle takes around 11 cars off the road.

That's a good thing because Wellington's transport network is operating at capacity at peak times and also at times during weekends. Greater use of car share schemes is one way we can help reduce parking and driving congestion.

Car sharing supports inner city residents and businesses who may only rarely need a car, and those living where space is limited. It gives people greater travel choice and means they can get a car when they need one while avoiding the high cost of car ownership or needing a second car.

Evidence also shows people who car share tend to use public transport and cycle more than those who drive their own car.