Extra documents required for a club licence
Certificate of Incorporation (if applicable)
You can get a copy of your Certificate of Incorporation from the Companies Register.
Companies Register - New Zealand Companies Office
Club charter (if applicable)
Provide a copy of your club charter.
Club rules or constitution
Provide a copy of your club rules or constitution.
Clubs with which your club has reciprocal visiting rights
Provide a list of other clubs or organisations with which your club has reciprocal visiting rights for members.
A schedule of your club's activities
Include the days and hours during which the premises is used for club activities. Sports clubs should include playing and training schedules.
Menus and drinks lists
Provide current or draft menus showing food, alcohol, low-alcohol (1.15% to 2.5%) and non-alcoholic beverages.
Outdoor management plan (if applicable)
If your premises will have an outdoor area where customers can drink alcohol, include an outdoor management plan that shows how you'll manage health and safety in this area.