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News | 3 March 2025
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Ride Welly’s world-class mountain bike trails

We know, it’s a big claim for our little capital. But here in Wellington, we are lucky to have a comprehensive and world-class mountain bike network.

Swing bridge between two mountains in Makara.

Standing in the heart of Pōneke you may not realise how close you are to the nearest mountain bike trail, but our city is surrounded by kilometres of internationally recognised tracks.

Praised not only for the expansive quantity but the high quality of trails so close to our central city, Managing Editor of Singletracks trail reviews Greg Heil claims, “Wellington is the best national capital city for mountain biking".

Having ridden over 8000 trails across more than 21 countries, Heil says that Wellington rivals other international capitals such as Cape Town, Stockholm and Madrid.

"While many capital cities have trail networks you can drive to, Wellington boasts numerous mountain bike trails that are rideable directly from the heart of the city.” 

Compared to other well-known mountain bike destinations, nothing has quite got the same vibe as Wellington says Wellington City Council Mākara Peak Mountain Bike Ranger Mark Kent. 

“The cool thing about Wellington is that you can shoot over to Waimapihi, go for a ride and ride down to Garage Project for a beer. It’s the perfect mix of recreation and cultural vibes.” 

A post with multiple yellow sign posts in the foreground with people cycling up a hill behind them.
Mākara Peak. Image credit: WellingtonNZ.

Here is Mark’s list of must-try trails within biking distance of the city. 

Out of the office and onto the trail 

Te Tuarā o Mātairangi, Mātairangi Mount Victoria  
This flow trail was developed with funding and in partnership with Trails Wellington. It is close to the city and great for lunchtime riding, explains Mark. 

"You’re a stone's throw away and then you’re basically in the bush and amongst birds.” 

A draw card for this trail is its suitability to a variety of skill levels. The track has been independently audited and meets grade three specifications says Wellington City Council Trails and Reserve Specialist Tim Harkness.  

"Higher grade riders with more advanced skills can find opportunities on some of the trail features for a more advanced riding experience.” 

A ride for the adrenaline seekers 

Roller Coaster, Waimapihi Reserve 
There’s a reason this trail is downhill only! Hugging the fence line of Zealandia, this finely crafted jumps trail is packed with features, including jumps, tables and gaps. Riders themselves are amongst the volunteers of the Brooklyn Trail Builders who have been developing the area for more than a decade. 

The trail is perfect for riders looking for a bit more of a challenge and to test their skills.

”If you’ve cut your teeth on the Te Tuarā trail and you want something slightly higher grade, head up to Waimapihi and try Roller Coaster," says Mark.

Serving up a view  

Transient, Waimapihi Resereve 
A short pedal from the city, Transient winds its way up into the heart of Waimapihi Reserve, connecting to some of Wellingtons most iconic trails. This network includes Sawmill, Windmill and Car Parts extension into Barking Emu which will deliver you to the top of Hawkins Hill.

“You get stunning panoramic views of Te Waiponamu (South Island) and Te Whanganui a Tara (Wellington Harbour)," says Mark.

The descent back to Aro valley is equally rewarding. The Ikigai trial is a must, one of Waimapihi Reserve’s best kept secrets! 

Channel your inner Shawshank Redemption 

Jail Brake, Centennial Reserve 
Ride like you’re making a jail brake at Centennial Reserve, says Mark.

"The tracks out in Maupuia and the Eastern suburbs are quite fun. They’re all references from when the place was a prison."

The 1920s Wellington Prison was closed in 2012. Tracks surrounding the area have been witfully named in line with this theme. The Centennial Reserve includes tracks such as Conviction, Repeat Offender, Soliarty and Juvenile Delinquent.  

Jail Brake has a climbing trail to return, making it the perfect loop track for riders keen to go again and again! 

Find out more about Wellington's mountain biking tracks on our website.

Main image supplied by WellingtonNZ.