News | 27 May 2024
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Over 4000 submissions on Long-term Plan, changes to suburban parking proposal

More than 4000 submissions on proposals relating to water, waste, investments, insurance, parking, community facilities and transport project spending were received by Wellington City Council during formal consultation on the 2024-34 Long-term Plan.

Wellington at sunset

This is more than twice the number received for the previous Long-term Plan consultation in 2021. Along with the 4077 submissions, nearly 300 individuals, groups and organisations spoke to their submissions at an oral hearing. The Council also surveyed a representative sample of 500 residents reflecting the demographic characteristics of Wellington’s population.

In most instances, submissions and survey responses supported the Council’s preferred options. However, respondents opposed the introduction of parking fees in suburban shopping centre precincts 77 percent of submissions were against, compared to 18 percent in support. This sentiment was mirrored in the representative survey, with 66 percent against and 22 percent in support. 

As a result, Council officers have revised their advice to the Mayor, Councillors and Pou Iwi and now recommend not introducing suburban parking fees for the 2024/25 year. The forecast impact of this change is $2 million in reduced annual revenue, equating to an 0.4 percent increase in rates.

The three main proposals water, waste, and investments and insurance

Fifty-three percent of submissions supported the Council’s preferred option for three waters investment of $676.7 million in operational funding and $1.2 billion in capital funding over 10 years – the highest affordable option.

Eighteen percent supported the lowest option ($615.1m operational funding, $896.7m capital funding) and 12 percent supported the middle option ($617.5m operational funding, $1.0b capital funding). In the representative survey, 38 percent supported the highest option, 23 percent the lowest and 24 percent the middle.

Fifty-seven percent of submissions favoured the introduction of an organic waste collection service, along with 53 percent of survey respondents. 

Feedback on the proposal to sell the Council’s airport shares and reinvest into a new perpetual investment fund to help manage insurance and investment risks was more even, with 28 percent of submissions in favour of selling all airport shares (the Council’s preferred option), 24 percent in favour of selling some airport shares, and 28 percent in favour of retaining the shares. 

Twenty-seven percent of survey respondents favoured selling all shares, 36 percent selling some shares, and 19 percent retaining the shares.

Support for the overall budget, which would result in an average rates increase of 16.4 percent in 2024/25 (excluding an additional 1.6 percent levy to fund the new sludge minimisation facility at Moa Point), was also mixed. Thirty-eight percent of submissions supported the budget and 40 percent opposed it; while 41 percent of survey respondents supported the budget and 23 percent opposed it.  

  • Introduce fees for motorcycle parking in the central city. Submissions: 43 percent support, 42 percent oppose. Survey: 43 percent support, 32 percent oppose.

  • Close Khandallah pool and landscape the site, including improving flood mitigation and creating a new community space and entranceway into Khandallah Park. Submissions: 38 percent support, 44 percent oppose. Survey: 42 percent support, 31 percent oppose.

  • Sell the Wadestown Community Centre. Submissions: 47 percent support, 25 percent oppose. Survey: 52 percent support, 17 percent oppose.

  • Stop the annual mid-year fireworks display. Submissions: 66 percent support, 20 percent oppose. Survey: 61 percent support, 21 percent oppose.

  • Close the Arapaki Service Centre and temporary library on Manners Street. Submissions: 44 percent support, 29 percent oppose. Survey: 42 percent support, 19 percent oppose.

  • Not upgrade the Ian Galloway Park and Waitangi Park skate facilities. Submissions: 52 percent support, 23 percent oppose. Survey: 55 percent support, 20 percent oppose.

  • Stop the planned transport improvements on Hutt Road (but continue with the Aotea Quay roundabout and Thorndon Quay portions). Submissions: 38 percent support, 21 percent want to keep original plan, 14 percent oppose the project entirely. Survey: 35 percent support, 22 percent want to keep original plan, 10 percent oppose the project entirely.

  • Reduce spending on sustainable street changes. Submissions: 36 percent support, 26 percent want to keep original plan, 13 percent oppose the project entirely. Survey: 37 percent support, 23 percent want to keep original plan, 7 percent oppose the project entirely.

  • Reduce spending on the bike network. Submissions: 38 percent support, 30 percent want to keep original plan, 22 percent oppose the project entirely. Survey: 43 percent support, 19 percent want to keep original plan, 17 percent oppose the project entirely.

Final deliberations on the Long-term Plan will take place at the Long-term Plan, Finance and Performance Committee meeting this Thursday 30 May, after the Mayor, Councillors and Pou Iwi have considered all submissions and feedback. They are scheduled to adopt the final plan on Thursday 27 June.