News | 18 April 2024
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Long-term progress: Building on our 2021 priorities

Did you know that our long-term plans don’t start from scratch every three years? We’re tackling long-term challenges – from water infrastructure to housing to climate action – so each plan builds on the previous one. In our 2021 Long-term Plan, we worked with the community to set six priorities, which have shaped our work for the past three years. Check out some key milestones below.

Frank kitts park slide.
Te Aro Mahana, the upgraded Frank Kitts Park playspace.

1. A functioning, resilient and reliable three waters infrastructure 

We also want to improve harbour and waterway quality and reduce water usage and waste. Some big steps forward were:

2. Wellington has affordable, resilient and safe housing

We wanted an inclusive, accessible, connected, and compact city. So we:

3. The city’s core transport infrastructure is a safe, resilient, reliable network

We wanted to support active and public transport choices, and an efficient, productive and  environmentally sustainable economy. This is where we’ve got to:

  • On track to complete 34.5km of walking, biking, and public transport improvements by the end of June 2024 through Paneke Pōneke, our bike network plan.
  • Made improvements for bus priority, including a bus lane on Adelaide Road and Kent and Cambridge Terraces
  • Upgraded Seatoun Wharf and Karaka Bay Jetty.

4. The city has resilient and fit-for-purpose community, creative and cultural spaces 

This includes libraries, marae, museums and community halls, where people connect, develop and express their arts, culture and heritage. So far we have:

5. An accelerating zero-carbon and waste-free transition

We’re working towards communities and the city economy adapting to climate change, development of low carbon infrastructure and buildings, and increased waste minimisation. Here’s what we’ve done in this space:

6. Strong partnerships with mana whenua

A key focus is upholding Te Tiriti o Waitangi, weaving Te Reo Māori and Te Ao Māori into the social, environmental and economic development of our city and, restoring the city’s connection with Papatūānuku (nature). We’ve:

  • Co-designed our new Tūpiki Ora Māori Strategy with mana whenua and Māori.
  • Continued to strengthen the role of mana whenua in weaving their cultural design narrative into the places and spaces of the city, including in the bike network. 
  • Held an election in the new Māori Ward and appointed pou iwi from mana whenua to Council committees.

We’re creating Wellington City’s next 10-year plan and budget - our 2024-34 Long-term Plan. We can continue to invest in making Wellington thrive but need to balance the pace of our investment with what we can afford. As a community, we need to make some tough decisions about what to prioritise. To find out more or make a submission, visit