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News | 27 November 2023
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Check your mailbox for our summer magazine!

Get to know Wellington ‘by the numbers’ this summer with Wellington City Council’s latest quarterly magazine set to hit the streets this week.

A painting of a swimming pool with people swimming in lanes. Two people in the foreground are floating in yellow and red blow-up rings. Red bunting is handing over the pool.
Cover art by Hannah Webster (@forestdrawn). Thorndon Pool, gouache on paper, 2023.

The summer edition of Tō Tātou Pōneke – Our Wellington is packed full of fun ideas about how to enjoy our city in the upcoming warmer months.

Covering the period from 1 December to 31 March, this issue features fun stats about Wellington, including the city’s top wind gust, the number of restaurants and cafes, and how many rescues are performed annually by our lifeguards.

It also has the top playgrounds to visit – as voted by three Thorndon School pupils who visited all 107 Pōneke play areas in just six months!

We have tips on Christmas shopping in the capital, and how to care for our beaches this summer while out enjoying the city’s 98km of coastline.

Meet community volunteer Campbell Maclean, who has been hard at work for four decades planting over 2,500 native plants in the Town Belt section behind his home in Mount Cook.

Man wearing a green tshirt standing in native bush.
Not all heroes wear capes – some wear gardening gloves! Keen gardener and volunteer Campbell Maclean, of Mount Cook

There’s news updates on the new Pay by Plate parking meter system (being introduced in January) and the progress being made at Te Matapihi Central Library.

The summer magazine has details to HEAPS of exciting events, which the Council is supporting over the summer months.

It also highlights how we are taking action together with the community to achieve the goal of our climate action plan Te Atakura – First to Zero, to be a net zero capital by 2050.

The summer edition also features funding opportunities, dates for upcoming Council meetings, and how you can reach your local ward Councillors and Mayor.

The cover of the summer issue of the Council's Our Wellington magazine, featuring a painting of the Thorndon Pool.

Copies of Our Wellington - Tō Tātou Pōneke are available at the following Council sites: Te Awe Library, Arapaki Service Centre, Waitohi Community Hub, Tawa Library, Newtown Library, Ākau Tangi Sports Centre, Wellington Regional Aquatic Centre, and the Wellington I-SITE on Wakefield Street.

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