Ray, 34
Why do you vote?
I vote to exercise my right that I am given as a citizen of Aotearoa.
I vote because this is my opportunity to give my feedback on who I feel is fit to lead our country.
I vote so that my choice is considered in the grand scheme of things.
Why should other people vote?
I believe local elections are more important than party votes, as the successfully elected individual becomes the spokesperson for our communities. The elected person is our voice to the powers that be in government on what our community needs, they are our person that we entrust to really have our best interest at heart and listen to our opinions on any or what changes we need locally. In order to make a change we need to be heard. In order to be heard, we all need to vote. Hence why voting should never be seen as a chore but a blessing that we have this right.
In the next few weeks, we’ll be sharing more stories in our Elections 101 series, so you can make informed decisions about the elections. By giving a toss about your local elections, you are having your say about how you want your city to look, and what you want us to focus on in the future.
Get started by checking you are enrolled to vote through enrol.nz.