Every year, WWF recognises cities demonstrating ambitious climate actions across the world through the OPCC. The mission of this competition is to create cities that enable people to thrive in balance with nature, now and in the future.
With over 280 cities from 50 countries in the running, Wellington has been named a global finalist, and is the only city nominated in Aotearoa.
In 2019, Wellington City Council declared a climate emergency, putting protection of the environment and climate change at the front and centre of its decision-making.
With cities responsible for over 80 percent of emissions globally, and the population expected to double to 6.5 billion by 2050, they have a major part to play in the response to climate change.
The Council set a target to reduce emissions by more than half by 2030 and to become a net zero carbon capital by 2050.
Since then, work has gained momentum with a growing Climate Action Response team, the development of Te Atakura – First to Zero action plan, the implementation of the city’s bike network plan Paneke Pōneke, a new Climate and Sustainability Fund, and work on the Spatial and draft District Plans.