The Centre will be closed to the public from Tuesday 8 March to begin the process of moving all the belongings out of the building for construction to start.
Many services will be relocated due to construction. Construction for the $2.1 million upgrade is expected to be completed in late 2022.
This Council-owned 1940s building, run by the Strathmore Park Community Centre Trust, has provided a much-needed community hub for the people of Strathmore Park, and the Council has worked closely with the Trust to create a design that meets the requirements of the community.
The upgrade will increase functionality, usability, and safety for the community, and will include:
o New floor
o New kitchen
o Better storage
o Improved subfloor drainage
o Improved insulation
o Better internal layout to improve the usability of all the spaces and increase the safety of staff and users
o Improved landscaping
The exterior will be dramatically enhanced with a new architectural element of the building featuring an artwork by a Motu Kairangi local and mana whenua artist Pokau Te Ahuru (Ngāti Tūwharetoa, Te Atiawa, Ngāruahinerangi). Pokau has worked in collaboration with Etch Architecture to translate his striking designs into a functional artwork.
Based on Tukutuku (ornamental woven latticework panels) design and principles and inspired by Tāniko (decorative weaving), the artwork encompasses two large timber and aluminium screens which sit on the north-east corner of the community centre. The screens frame large windows and are designed to slide open or closed, creating a focal point for the building and welcoming the community into the centre.
Fiona Prestidge, Manager of the Strathmore Park Community Centre Trust says the investment in this upgrade will provide a greatly improved space for the Strathmore Park community.
“It’s exciting to imagine how this upgrade will activate even more groups, events and activities than we see now. The building is going to be a fantastic space for all.”